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Meet the People who are

the Heart on this Platform.

Unlike larger platforms, we maintain a small, dedicated team that provides highly personalized service. Our non-automated sourcing ensures the right Talent finds its way to you, fostering strong Client-Talent connections and an ever-growing network of passive and active Talent.

Biljana Dimitrievska

Founder and Recruiting Specialist

Hi! I’m Biljana, founder of SkillSpotterZ, and I’d love to share with you where it all began.
Being born and raised in Europe has given me a thorough understanding of global markets. This background has enriched my appreciation for the complexities of global economies and the unique challenges businesses face. Now living in the US, I integrate this cultural and economic insight with diverse ideas and knowledge, offering a unique perspective that helps businesses thrive from various angles. My journey in HR and executive roles exposed me to the inner workings of business and the recruitment process, highlighting both its strengths and significant challenges.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I witnessed market upheavals and recognized a unique opportunity for change. The rise of AI and technological advancements in recruitment inspired me to create a platform that merges technology with a more personalized, human-centric approach.

My mission is simple: to make hiring easy and to provide global access to job opportunities. We validate each candidate’s skills through comprehensive interviews and assessments, ensuring the right match for long-term success.

Our goal is to provide fair job opportunities for individuals in low-economy regions, allowing them to earn a fair income and contribute their expertise to global markets. We’re proud to do things differently by blending technology with a human touch, building strong, trust-based relationships that drive mutual growth.

This is my story, and it’s SkillSpotterZ’s story too.
Join us in making hiring a path to lasting success and positive impact.

Natasha Dimitrievska

Talent and Lead Specialist

Introducing Natasha, our esteemed Lead Specialist and Top Talent at SkillSpotterZ. With a strong background in English Teaching and professional Translation, Natasha possesses exceptional skills in Skill Assessment and excels in Communication relations. She effortlessly bridges language barriers, ensuring the perfect match between Talent and Opportunities. We trust Natasha to drive our and your Business’s success through effective Talent Acquisition and fostering strong Relationships.

What We Do

At SkillSpotterZ, our mission is to connect businesses with diverse, skilled Talent through a personalized and human-centric approach. We go beyond resumes to ensure the right match, combining soft and hard skill assessments with in-depth interviews. We break down borders, providing seamless access to Talent from anywhere, at any time, and for any need.

Why We Do It

Our vision is to be your leading platform of skill-testing professionals, redefining recruitment by blending technology and human expertise for efficient, meaningful, and long-term hiring success.

Trust: Building strong, reliable relationships with clients and candidates.

Personalization: Customizing our services and approaches to meet unique needs, and building strong Talent assessments that deliver ROI to our clients.

Innovation: Staying ahead with the latest recruitment technologies and positioning them effectively for optimal results.

Diversity: Embracing and sourcing diverse talent, transcending borders and enhancing accessibility.

Client-Talent Relationships: Ensuring lasting and successful placements with transparent and accessible services that won’t break the bank.