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A new way to source & hire Global Remote Talent

Access pre-vetted talent with our personalized recruiter matching service or searchable database. Skip high placement fees, cut labor costs, and work with Talent directly—off the platform, on your terms.
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‘’Here, people remain at the heart of every process.’’

Take talent off the platform to collaborate, work, and pay on your terms.
Pre-qualified talent is personally invited and must pass skill-based assessments to be featured at the top of your search.
Access remote talent from untapped regions: South America, Europe, and Asia. Via self-access or recruiter-filled roles.

We make it work
beyond just browsing profiles

Invitation-Only Talent

Only pre-qualified talent is invited to join. No endless browsing, spam, or irrelevant profiles. Each candidate is verified through assessments to stay in the database, so you always see quality candidates first.

Direct Recruiter Service

We’re real recruiters—no automation here.
We define your hiring needs, source talent from multiple channels, and personally verify, role assess, and interview candidates to ensure the perfect fit for your team.

How are we different?

How it works

Recruiter’s Match

Search Talent and Post Jobs


Book a Call
Defining hiring needs, expectations, and sourcing goals


Sign up as an Employer
Sign up for free to explore. Choose “Hero” package to start connecting with talent.


We Define Your Needs
Strategic aligning on resources and connections to define a clear Talent outcome that’ll fit into your team.


Build your Profile
A complete profile attracts better talent. Showcase your company and job details to stand out.


The Start of a Talent Search
Tapping into our database, VIP referrals pool, online networks and trusted connections.


Post a Job
Post a job/s to get Talent to apply. You can review applicants and message them.


Role assessments & Interviews
Assessing Talent per role specifics, verification, alignment with your requests and team culture, confirming knowledge.


Browse Talent
Use our filters to browse Talent and see featured Talent that completed skill assessments. Start a conversation and set up interviews.


Final Results
We’ll deliver the best for you to review and Interview if you wish to make a final decision. And we’ve got your back with a 15-day replacement guarantee.


Take Talent Off the Platform
You have complete freedom to take Talent off the platform to hire, and talk terms and payments directly with Talent off the Platform. No restrictions or fees.

Search Talent and Post Jobs


Sign up as an Employer
Sign up for free to explore.
Choose “Hero” package to start
connecting with talent.


Build your Profile
A complete profile attracts better talent.
Showcase your company and job details
to stand out.


Post a Job
Post a job/s to get Talent to apply.
You can review applicants and message them.


Browse Talent
Use our filters to browse Talent and see featured
Talent that completed skill assessments. Start a
conversation and set up interviews.


Take Talent Off the Platform
You have complete freedom to take Talent off the
platform to hire, and talk terms and payments
directly with Talent off the Platform.
No restrictions or fees.

Why choose us

What other’s say


"Finding dependable remote talent was overwhelming until SkillSpotterZ stepped in. We first tried their database and hired a freelancer, then decided to entrust them with all our global hires. I feel relieved knowing they’re always there to help."

Luke Antonavich
Head of Customer Success


"We needed a skilled remote person to join our team but to also fit our startup budget. SkillSpotterZ delivered beyond expectations, and all the talent that they recommended was top-notch! I feel grateful we’ve had the chance to work with them."

Unified LLC


"SkillSpotterZ saved us money and connected us with exceptional global talent. I feel grateful for their human-first approach and highly recommend them."

Michel Lenolds
Senior Marketing Director


"We hired a few sales support people from Europe through SkillSpotterZ’s recruiter, and they’re still with us a year later! Thank you, SkillSpotterZ, for staying human!"

Alexia Sanchez
VP of Sales


"Hiring the right global virtual assistants will never be a challenge for us. With SkillSpotterZ’s support, we achieved seamless sourcing and added incredible value to our team. They truly prioritize fit and quality.’’

StartUp Corp.

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Not sure
who to hire?

Our quick quiz will help you find out if hiring a Freelancer or a Virtual Assistant is what you need.

You’ll also discover if you’re ready to hire directly or if you could benefit from our Recruiter’s match service.

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Why Global Talent

FAQ You asked we

Who uses our services? What problem do we solve?

SkillSpotterZ serves employers worldwide—from startups and small businesses to enterprises and sole proprietors—seeking reliable remote talent. We solve the challenge of finding top-quality remote professionals, freelancers, and virtual assistants by offering a curated, personally verified talent pool and a direct recruiter’s match service. This saves you time and provides a secure, personalized hiring experience.

At SkillSpotterZ, we focus on quality and personalization. Unlike automated platforms that prioritize the quantity of profiles, we personally invite, vet, and assess global talent. Alongside a searchable pool of active and passive talent, we offer a Direct Recruiter’s Match service. This means we handle the search, interview, and assessment process for you.

Additionally, there are no platform commission fees or restrictions. You can work and communicate directly with talent outside the platform, maintaining full flexibility and control over terms and payments.

Our matching process combines human expertise with a curated talent pool. Every candidate is personally assessed for skills, personality, culture fit, and language proficiency. This humanized approach ensures we deliver quality matches tailored to your specific requirements.

You can find experienced remote professionals, freelancers, and virtual assistants across industries, including customer support, bookkeeping, digital marketing, IT, real estate, and web development. Whether you need part-time, full-time, or project-specific experts, we have talent from Europe, Asia, and South America.

Talent works directly for you, not SkillSpotterZ. Payment terms and methods are agreed upon between you and the talent, giving you full control and flexibility.

Freelancers and virtual assistants are typically classified as foreign independent contractors, meaning they’re not your employees and you’re not required to provide benefits or comply with employment laws. For tax purposes, they are classified as “freelance expenses.”

If hiring foreign contractors (e.g., from the Philippines or Serbia), a W-8BEN form confirms their status as independent contractors—no 1099 form or withholding is required. However, if you’re a U.S. employer hiring U.S. citizens or residents, you may need to issue tax forms like a 1099 if payments exceed a certain threshold. Consult a tax professional for compliance with your country’s regulations.

Every candidate is personally verified for professionalism, skills, and reliability. Verified profiles are marked with a star, showcasing their expertise. For added assurance, our personalized recruiter service provides tailored talent recommendations, and you can establish NDAs or confidentiality agreements for extra security.

  • Remote Professional: Full/part-time skilled role replacing in-house staff.
  • Freelancer: Project-based or gig work with flexible terms.
  • Virtual Assistant (VA): Long-term admin or business support, easily trainable to fit your business needs.

Talent in our database is personally invited and assessed. Profiles of highly verified candidates are marked with a star and appear first in search results. Our Recruiter’s Match Service goes further by defining your hiring needs, accessing talent from our database, and extending the search through our network and referrals. Candidates are then thoroughly vetted via interviews, role-specific assessments, and experience verification.

We invite candidates who meet specific qualifications and encourage them to complete skill and role-specific assessments. Verified profiles are marked with a star, ensuring employers see the most qualified candidates first. Our recruiters personally verify each candidate for professionalism and expertise, providing peace of mind for employers.How are you different from Upwork and other freelance platforms?

Unlike automated platforms, SkillSpotterZ focuses on human connections. We personally invite and verify every freelancer, ensuring quality over quantity. You manage payments and work terms directly with the talent, without platform fees, providing full flexibility and control.

Hiring globally gives you access to a diverse pool of skilled professionals, often at more competitive rates. It’s an opportunity to tap into unique expertise and perspectives while optimizing workforce costs.

We assess cognitive abilities, role-specific skills, language proficiency, and personality traits to ensure culture fit and performance. This comprehensive testing ensures you hire the right candidate for your needs.

Ready to get started

Schedule a free consultation with our Recruiter and let’s make things happen!

Dive deeper

Everything you need to know about global hiring and insights on navigating the world of global talent

” Meet exceptional talent from around the world! “

Featured Talent:
“Talent of the Month”

Every month, we spotlight a standout remote professional—a hidden gem whose exceptional skills, achievements, and inspiring journey make them shine. Explore their story and see what sets them apart in the global workforce.

” Your Blueprint for hiring and leading a global team.”

Hiring and Managing Global Talent

Discover the art of building high-performing remote teams.
From hiring top-tier global talent to implementing human-centered strategies, uncover insider tips and proven methods to attract, retain, and empower the best in the business.